Tuesday, May 14, 2013

HMQS Judge's Choice Award

What an amazing week last week was! I took Miss Mia out for a walk last Wednesday, and when I got home there was a message on my answering machine. It was the director of the SewBatik Challenge I had entered. She recommended I be at the awards ceremony the following day. I hadn't planned on attending, since I didn't think I would win anything, so I'm so glad she called!

I jumped up and down in my kitchen, called my husband, put a post on Facebook, and made arrangements to be at the awards ceremony. I was so stinkin' excited to win an award.

My wonderful friends from Handi Quilter sat by me and cheered me on as I received a Judge's Choice Award. And my wonderful customer and friend, Shirley, was also there cheering me on.

I felt so honored to win that award because all the quilts were amazing and I could see all the imperfections in my quilt, but a judge was willing to look past those mistakes and see the beautiful things about the quilt.

It's so much like life! When others choose to look past our imperfections and choose to see the beautiful things about us, it makes us feel like a million bucks! Another lesson about life learned from the journey of quilting together!